Dispatch 3
Why is force being used against non-violent protesters?
Dispatch 3:
The biggest issue we’re currently facing on the frontlines of our protests is the use of OC Spray, CS/Tear gas, flash-bangs, pepper-balls, batons, and physical force against non-violent protesters.
Why is it that a citizen of this country, protected by the constitution, bill of rights, and declaration, are being blatantly attacked by those sworn to serve and protect?
Are we not allowed to assemble? Are we not allowed to protest? Are we not allowed our freedom of speech? So why I ask you? You’re using your rights afforded to you and given to you to speak out. So why are you being FORCIBLY silenced? Then curfews are put in place in hopes of stopping looting and violence; action by the few, but who are arrested and targeted? Those voicing the cries of those who cannot, all in the name of justice. All of this for what? To stop people from standing against them and the system they believe to be so flawless because they are a part of it, not one of the oppressed under it.
Do not antagonize them, do not fight back. Stand and take it for what it is, resist; but peacefully. Be better than them. They will feel the shame, the guilt, the remorse. For you are supposed to be their neighbor, their friend, the person they swore an oath to. Change is coming. Do not falter, do not lose hope, but ensure you’re always above them by doing the right thing. They will make the mistakes that bring about their own demise. Remember their faces, their names, record them, their actions, and make it known.
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