Dispatch 4
Insights into internal issues
Dispatch 4:
I witnessed it first hand on the force. Officers referring to African Americans as N*****s, calling Middle Easterners Terrorists, towel heads, Hajji. Calling Asian’s chinks, Charlie, or Japs. We had Officers of those ethnicities working on the force as well. There’s a point when it’s no longer a joke, but for a Law Enforcement Officer to say such things, it’s unethical, and it’s outrageous. Would you want to hear anyone, anywhere, say that? I don’t. It’s immoral, unethical, and blatantly wrong.
I spoke out. I had enough of it. I reported it. What happened? They said “We’ll take care of it”. Did they? No. Why? Because of the thin blue line, and that old school mindset, it’s okay to joke and talk like that as long as you don’t mean it. Not in this profession.
The minorities on the force never spoke up either because they felt as if they would have to be victimized or viewed as a lesser person for ousting their fellow Officer. So they took it when they shouldn’t have to. This can not stand.
Black, Asian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, European, or American, it makes no difference, we’re all one. All humans of this planet we call Earth.
Hi there! I don't know you, and yet I am so proud of what you have decided to do. Thank you so much for standing with the protesters. I do have some questions you might be able to answer, as I'm a former investigative journalism (now just a nosey civilian) who did extensive research into the Ferguson police reaction and the power mechanisms that allowed police brutality to go unpunished.
ReplyDeleteHow exactly is the Thin Blue Line cultivated and then held? Like any other cult, it has to be fostered and sometimes enforced. Can you tell us about how it happened to you, and the moment you decided to break through it? You said that you are keeping your anonymity for fear of reprisal, which is smart, but have you heard any stories of former LEOs who went against the Line?
What do you think about the Federal ruling that a person can actually be too smart to be a LEO- do you feel that ruling has affected the quality or temperment of new recruits?
Were you ever encouraged to study the tactics and "findings" of the Force Science Institute? The LAPD cops and ICE agents I worked with saw it as bullet proof science that would save them from any prosecution for brutality or murder, but on closer inspection, it is bogus science, created (but can't be peer reviewed or replicated) by a man who claims a doctorate from a diploma mill. William Lewinski is his name; he has been used multiple times as an expert witness to defend LEO overuse of force. I commend what you're doing, and won't be using any of your answers in any journalistic capacity, I just want to understand as an individual. Thank you in advance.
Im so glad you have the courage to speak the truth and stand by ethical bahavior. But im also sad that you are leaving because we need to encourage more police like you to stay and demand better ethical behavior. We should be voting for who gets to police our neighborhoods. I would vote for you. People’s number one fear is to be outcasted from the group so that is why people stay silent but we need to shame those with unethical behavior so that the majority of the group learns to do the right thing. True strength is doing what is right in the face of adversity. Police need to focus on building relationships just like teachers do. Police are teachers too. When they solve problems with violence they are teaching youth that problems should be solved with violence. I solute you brother and I invite you to put some music on and dance with your neighbors. Peace through music