Dispatch 4
Insights into internal issues Dispatch 4: I witnessed it first hand on the force. Officers referring to African Americans as N*****s, calling Middle Easterners Terrorists, towel heads, Hajji. Calling Asian’s chinks, Charlie, or Japs. We had Officers of those ethnicities working on the force as well. There’s a point when it’s no longer a joke, but for a Law Enforcement Officer to say such things, it’s unethical, and it’s outrageous. Would you want to hear anyone, anywhere, say that? I don’t. It’s immoral, unethical, and blatantly wrong. I spoke out. I had enough of it. I reported it. What happened? They said “We’ll take care of it”. Did they? No. Why? Because of the thin blue line, and that old school mindset, it’s okay to joke and talk like that as long as you don’t mean it. Not in this profession. The minorities on the force never spoke up either because they felt as if they would have to be victimized or viewed as a lesser person for ousting their fellow Officer. So ...